reFlex – mobile concert stage


The reFLEX is a manageable, mobile outdoor acoustic facility that we had developed in 2022. For this, we collaborated with concert acoustics specialists from the Leibniz University of Hanover, building and room acousticians, and event technicians, and thus began a process with the goal of being able to perform chamber music concerts in the outdoor area without amplification and in high quality.

A series of light-transparent slats made of soft PVC are attached to the ceiling structure of the open-air stage, projecting the sound in the direction of the audience. They can be regulated and individually adjusted for optimal use.

What began as an emergency response to the pandemic may, above all, open new perspectives for chamber music in general. If both the acoustic situation and the artistic content outside are in no way inferior to the experience inside, if factors such as the weather or the sounds of nature no longer become the enemy but an integral part of the experience, this can be a contribution to the sustainability of chamber music as a whole.

Made possible with the generous support of the German Music Council as part of Neustart Kultur under the patronage of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Anja Fichte Foundation, and the Cultural Office of the City of Hanover.

… bis in die letzten Besucherreihen des Gartentheaters bleibt der Klang vergleichsweise präzise und ausdrucksstark. Denn das ist immer das Manko bei solchen Veranstaltungen - das Orchester, wenn es denn wirklich unplugged bleiben und keinen Verstärker nutzen möchte - klingt in der Regel einfach nur dünn und dürftig.
Hier ist es anders - weil Bühnenhintergrund und Seitenteile mit besondere Kunststoffen verschlossen wurden, so dass der Schall komplett und in richtiger Dosierung nach vorne ins Publikum abstrahlt und selbst ein Pianissimo tragfähig bleibt. Eine Geige klingt dann tatsächlich wie eine Geige und nicht nach verstärkter E-Gitarre. Das Geld der Deutschen Musikrates scheint hier gut investiert.

Henning Queren, Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, 23.08.2022

reFLEX projects


Children’s concert “Do you hear that?”


Whether high up in the air or deep under the sea – if you prick up your ears, you can hear it buzzing, humming and bubbling – everywhere.

With its very own “Carnival of the Animals,” the Flex Ensemble and music educator Katharina Höhne invite children and their families to a special participatory concert. Between wild-smelling flowers and dense hedges, not only native bipeds and quadrupeds shall cavort, but also strange exotics! A very lazy sloth, they say, a proud flamingo and who knows who else… And because our ensemble is not only musical but also curious, it packs its backpacks while still on stage and takes its audience on an exciting walk through the garden. Because with the music composed especially for this adventure by Gordon Kampe, they might manage to lure sloth, flamingo & co out of their hiding place!

A musical afternoon in the middle of nature – to listen, participate and discover.

For children from 5 years.

“Out of Doors”picnic concert


Schubert`s Trout Quintet, with its evocative reference to nature, gives this classical open-air concert a special atmosphere. It will be joined by Béla Bartók`s Out of Doors in a new arrangement for piano quartet by Gordon Williamson. Pack your picnic bag including seating (blanket, folding chair…) and provisions and enjoy great chamber music sounds in an informal ambience in front of our newly built mobile concert shell reFLEX.

Flex Ensemble
Felix von Werder, double bass

“Vasks by Night”


At sunset, the Flex Ensemble performs Peteris Vask’s highly expressive piano quartet. The music is brought together with the surrealistic and nature-inspired video art of Yoann Trellu and the mobile concert shell reFLEX.

reFLEX for rent


The Flex Ensemble is happy to perform any of the programs listed on this page (or any other program) with the reFLEX as part of your open-air event.

However, it is also possible to rent the reFLEX alone.

Technical details:

Stage dimensions:

The stage is supplied without grand piano.

Please contact us for details and options.

Technology: SUHR Event- & Veranstaltungstechnik
SUHR VT | beschallen.beleuchten.bewegen. (

Photos: Zuzanna Specjal